Counseling Services

It can be really hard to start therapy. You may have been thinking about going for months, googling random counselors in the area, and talking about it with friends. As a past client of counseling and a therapist in practice, I know it is important to find the right personality, a compatible therapeutic style, and even a physical space that fits your needs. After all, it is your time and your hard-earned money. Before we meet in person, we will chat over the phone to determine if we are a match. This is free to you and you’re under no obligation to proceed with me as your counselor following the call. It is a brief call to get a basic idea of your needs, ask and answer a few questions, and figure out how to proceed in your best interest.


Individual Counseling

Sometimes, you just need a space for yourself. A time to focus on your own needs, to process difficult situations. Counseling is not meant to be a lifelong process. Difficulties and changes often come in waves. Your need for support will likely rise and fall with these transitions. Individual counseling is designed to identify needs or challenges, become more mindful of how these needs or challenges are impacting your life, and how to move forward to live a more productive and healthy life. You are the expert of your life, but even experts need a consult once in a while.


Couples Counseling

Relationships can be both wonderful and challenging at the same time. Old patterns, baggage from previous relationships, and simple communication differences can get in our way. It can be helpful to sort out differences and issues with an unbiased person present in the room. If you are requesting couples counseling, please know that therapy requires willingness and an openness to seek support. Please don’t force your partner into therapy! Encouragement is helpful, but both individuals must be able to invest in the process.


Family Therapy

Whether biologically related or people we’ve chosen to surround us, family is one of the most important factors in our lives. Shaping us as children, our familial experiences remain with us and may guide our decision-making as adults. As wondrous as families can be, they can challenge us and cause stress in our lives. Communication differences can occur. Transitions in life can cause difficulties or strains in relationships. Counseling can be a good place to iron out issues and speak openly with each other in a respectful and productive manner.



It can be tough to deal with issues that come up during childhood or our teenage years. Struggles with identity, bullying at school, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, self-harm…these are some of the issues that may arise. Sometimes, it’s helpful to talk to someone who is not directly involved…a person who can provide validation, gentle feedback, and help you with getting back on track.


I am now offering counseling services via phone and online in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing regulations that are in place to support our community. My preference is to meet individuals and couples/families in person. However, our reality is this and your mental health matters.

Contact me to learn more about how online/telehealth works!